Vision :
Inshaa Allah, to establish a vibrant and professionally managed social, charitable and educational organization based on true Islamic principles to:
- Transform the dynamic vision of the founding fathers into reality.
- Produce Khaire Ummah (Best of Man Kind) from the disadvantaged children entrusted in its care.
- Create a conducive environment to promote unity, brotherhood and mutual trust among different sections of the community
and the nation.
Mission :
To establish a state of the art Integrated system of services related to human growth and development that will enable
every disadvantaged child to lead a more purposeful, meaningful and complete life.
Aims & Objects:
- To establish and maintain Institutions for Charitable and Educational purposes.
- To promote such further or other activities of a cultural, economic and social nature.
- To establish and maintain Educational Institutions and Homes for the benefit of the orphans and destitute children of the
Muslim community.
- To impart secular and technical education.
- To establish libraries and reading rooms and arrange for publication of journals, booklets and holding seminars etc.,
for attaining the aims and objects of the Anjuman.
- To propagate the teachings of Islam.
- To award stipends and scholarships to deserving students on the basis of merit-cum- means for promoting their education.
- To develop / improve the assets of Association/ revenue or income thereon for achieving the above objects.